Legal Information

This web site and all the material it contains are the exclusive property of the Company HPM Italia S.r.l. All graphic material (drawings, photographs and animations), descriptive texts, articles, comments, are literary and artistic property of the Company HPM Italia S.r.l. as is the code that makes up the work.  

The Company HPM Italia S.r.l. reserves the right to add, delete, modify in whole or in part the conditions of use and the information contained in this site, at any time and without notice. The consultation and the amateur and personal use of these materials is allowed freely and free of charge. Vice versa, the diffusion, distribution or republication in any form, even partial, and by any means, must be expressly authorized by the Company HPM Italia S.r.l. itself.

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HPM Italia S.r.l. does not guarantee that the documents are free of errors, viruses, and/or other prejudicial content, and the user is responsible for all expenses for any repair and/or correction work. The user agrees to relieve the Company HPM Italia S.r.l. from any possible claim, damage, direct or indirect responsibility for the use of this site.